동격절에 쓰이는 that은 생략될 수 없을까?
게시글 주소: https://w.orbi.kr/0003118826
동격절 that은 생략이 안된다는 문법책들이 있습니다. 사실일까요? 결론부터 말씀 드리자면 생략 될 수 있습니다. 다만 절의 특성이 restrictive해야 합니다. A Student's Grammar of The English Language에는 동격절의 that이 nonrestrictive (앞에 컴마 있는 경우) 에 생략이 안된다고 설명이 되어 있지 restrictive에서 생략이 안된다는 말은 없습니다. 그리고 Corpus를 검색해봐도 엄청난 수의 생략 문장이 검색됩니다. 따라서 우리나라 문법책에 나와있는 동격절 that이 생략 안된다는 말은 맞다고 할 수 없습니다. 왜냐면 그 때의 동격절이 restrictive이기 때문입니다. 논문에서 관련 부분을 찾아봤습니다. 혼란을 일으킬 수 있는 경우를 제외하고 that의 생략은 비교적 자유롭습니다. 아래 Impossible을 제외하고 아래 Possible은 생략이 되는 경우입니다. 8.4.5 That-omission in complements to nouns • Below is a summary of some of the data from the literature and a very preliminary corpus search. • It seems clear that that-less complements of N are possible, and in some cases even frequent. • There are restrictions on when that-omission is possible (which may be similar to the restrictions on embedded V2 in German), and a careful investigation of these restrictions is still outstanding. Impossible (121) Pesetsky and Torrego (2004, 2006) a. We proved Mary could not have committed the crime. b. We demonstrated John was insane. c. your proof *(that) Mary could not have committed the crime d. the demonstration *(that) John was insane (122) a. I heard about the fact that Mary did it. Bošković and Lasnik (2003) b. *I heard about the fact Mary did it. Possible (123) a. The fact he left caused a storm. Doherty (1997: 49) b. The reason he stayed wasn’t apparent. (124) Huddleston and Pullum (2002) p. 954: “In […] it is complement to a noun; omission [of that, SW] is not impossible in this construction, but it is unlikely with a morphologically complex noun like insinuation (compare The fact it was illegal didn’t seem to worry him” Proof isn’t proof (125) a. Then when you have seen enough proof he loves you, confess your love! b. then you have proof he loves you c. that's proof he loves you d. U.S. officials have received proof he is alive e. “proof he loves you”: 99,100 hits f. “proof she cheated”: 41.800 hits g. “proof she is a man”: 1,010,000 hits h. “received proof he is”: 12,000 hits (126) a. The lawyer had proof Mary was innocent. proof = confirmation b. The lawyer presented a proof *(that) Mary was innocent. proof = step by step process, set of logical arguments c. They received proof (that) Mary could not have committed the crime JDB, Corina 50 Suggestion (127) a. In a Boston courtroom, Judge Maria Lopez, reacting to a prosecutor's suggestion the sentence she handed down to an admitted sex offender was too light. [not a complete sentence: it's a parenthetical to introduce a quote] b. Ralph Brown, the institute's attorney, praises Salah and rejects the suggestion the center's money found its way “to any kind of improper activity, let alone terrorist activity.” Evidence (128) First up, the week began with [...] more evidence the president is losing the power of the center that got him elected. Belief (129) a. Drafting Tebow might be even less plausible (Jags don't have a second-round pick) despite pleas from fans and [owner Wayne Weaver's belief the Florida star could fill empty seats in Jacksonville]. b. McDaniels came to the Broncos when he had other choices, because...of his belief the Broncos organization strives to be the best. c. Additionally, there is a belief the committee keeps a running total of berths various conferences receive during the selection process, thus establishing quotas. d. Klimek told USA TODAY his original ruling was based on the belief the teen loaded the gun himself and pulled the trigger within close range of his head. Claim (130) a. Cheney rejected the claim the Bush administration is to blame for the faltering economy… CNN b. Despite the claim it has no territorial ambitions, the need to create buffer zones has prompted Israel… Military History |
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