arete [916979] · MS 2019 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2020-09-12 22:05:15
조회수 1,374

[ALONE 1회차] 제시문 / 초장문빈칸문제

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안녕하세요 아레테입니다!

저번 글이 생각보다 많은 관심을 받아서 굉장히 행복하네요 ㅎㅅㅎ (뿌뜻)

1회차에 생각보다 많은 공을 들였습니다. 재밌게 읽으시길! ^0^

업로드된 PDF파일은 아래 글과 동일한 내용입니다. 혹시나 인쇄해서 보고싶으신 분이 있을까봐 준비했씁니당.


연재는 앞으로도 별다른 일이 없는 이상 다음과 같이 진행됩니다.

먼저 영어제시문을 하나 드릴 것이고

이후 제 대부분의 팔로워분들이 글을 확인하였다 판단되면 해설을 올립니다.

오늘과 같이 퀴즈가 있는 경우에는 댓글로 남겨주세요!

영어제시문에는 고교어휘를 벗어난다고 판단하였으나 의도적으로 각주에 표기하지 않은 어휘들이 있습니다.

이는 시험장에서 생소한 낱말이 나왔을 때 적응력을 키우기 위함입니다. 제시문 독해에는 큰 영향을 끼치지 않으니 어휘의 뜻을 추론해가면서 읽어보세요!

또, 영어를 소재로 하지만 영어칼럼은 아니기에 해설에서 제시문 내용을 독해해 드리지 않습니다. 

대신 당 회차의 제시문 선정이유출처, 그리고 그 글을 쓴 사상가 혹은 내용에 대한 개괄적인 설명을 드립니다.

해설이 올라오기 전까지 이 글을 누가 썼을지, 어떤 학문을 다루는 것일지 추측해보는 것도 하나의 재미요소가 되지 않을까 합니다.

(그래도 정말 막히는 문장이 있을 시에는 댓글로 남겨주세요.)


쪽지가 많이옵니다. 긴 상담 혹은 빠른 답장을 원하실 때는 사물함 소개의 오픈카톡링크를 통해 연락주세요!

(아.. 그리고.. 그.. 추천.. 굉장히... 좋더라구요.. 추천 한 번 눌러주시면.. 진짜 더 좋을듯..)


Arete’s LOgic N English



? 처음부터 끝까지 글을 읽고 주제를 한 문장으로 적기

? 인문논술을 준비하는 학생의 경우, 500자 이내로 요약하기

? 빈칸문제가 풀리지 않을 때는 글의 논리를 따져봅시다

(제시문 가) Speaking more generally, the fundamental elements in the relation between individuals in the having mode of existence are competition, antagonism, and fear. The antagonistic element in the having relationship stems from its nature. If having is the basis of my sense of identity because "I am what I have," the wish to have must lead to the desire to have much, to have more, to have most. In other words, greed is the natural outcome of the having orientation. It can be the greed of the miser or the greed of the profit hunter or the greed of the womanizer or the man chaser. Whatever constitutes their greed, the greedy can never have enough, can never be "satisfied." In contrast to physiological needs, such as hunger, that have definite satiation points due to the physiology of the body, mental greedand all greed is mental, even if it is satisfied via the bodyhas no satiation point, since its consummation does not fill the inner emptiness, boredom, loneliness and depression it is meant to overcome. In addition, since what one has can be taken away in one form or another, one must have more, in order to fortify one's existence against such danger. If everyone wants to have more, everyone must fear one's neighbor's aggressive intention to take away what one has. To prevent such attack one must become more powerful and preventively aggressive oneself. Besides, since production, great as it may be, can never keep pace with unlimited desires, there must be competition and antagonism among individuals in the struggle for getting the most. And the strife would continue even if a state of absolute abundance could be reached; those who have less in physical health and in attractiveness, in gifts, in talents would bitterly envy those who have "more.“

In the being mode, private having (private property) has little affective importance, because I do not need to own something in order to enjoy it, or even in order to use it. In the being mode, more than one personin fact millions of peoplecan share in the enjoyment of the same object, since none needor wantto have it, as a condition of enjoying it. This not only avoids strife; it creates one of the deepest forms of human happiness: shared enjoyment. Nothing unites people more (without                their individuality) than sharing their admiration and love for a person; sharing an idea, a piece of music, a painting, a symbol; sharing in a ritualand sharing sorrow. The experience of sharing makes and keeps the relation between two individuals alive; it is the basis of all great religious, political, and philosophical movements. Of course, this holds true only as long as and to the extent that the individuals genuinely love or admire. When religious and political movements ossify, when bureaucracy manages the people by means of suggestions and threats, the sharing stops.

*antagonism 적대감 *stem from ~에서 비롯되다 *bureaucracy 관료정치

① increasing

② sharing

③ struggling

④ restricting

⑤ desiring

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