연공이 (목표 12111) [545822] · MS 2014 · 쪽지

2017-05-31 16:38:37
조회수 11,019

영어 문장 해석이 안되요.... 많은데... 원서내용이라. ㅠㅠ

게시글 주소: https://w.orbi.kr/00012129536

1.This knowledge that one is being truely listened to is frquently in and of itself remarkbly therapeutic.

(문장 내용은 상담사가 자신의 실수를 인정하고 대화를 놓쳤다고 인정하는것이 내담자에게 있어서 더 상담가가 자신의 이야기를 들어주고 있었다는것에 대해 신뢰한다는 내용입니다)

2. Gothe called scientific approach "a delicat empiricsm which in a most inward why makes itself identical with the object and thereby becomes the actual theory"

(문장내용은 He 괴테가 사물을 볼때 그것과 일체와될때 생각의 힘이 발휘된다는 내용입니다)

3. It belongs to our reasoning, for example, that is always goes on within a specific situation.

(토마스 아퀴나스가 관점에 우리가 도달하는 유일한 진실은 우리와 같은 유한한존재에 적합한것이다 라는 내용입니다)

4. Positive psychologists' more important contribution to the defense of the status quo has been to assert or "find" that circumstances play only a mirror role ine determining a person's happiness.

음... 이건 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ

5. The natives had seen books, but only one copy of each, which they has assumed to be unique.

6. There can never be a status quo (status quo...??)

7. Paradoxically, your adult cry for help is more private than noisy promiscuous pronouncement of childhood,often occurring at home, where it finds a select audience.

The development shift from vocal crying to visual tearing favors the face-to-face encounters of an intimate setting.

8.This is however, like people advising the parents of a six year old boy to make him get a job, arguing that successful adults don't live off their parents.

너무 많은데.... 36번까지 풀고 모르는거라고... 직역으로 하면 문장이 이상해지네요 ㅠㅠㅠ

어떻게 해야할지 조언좀 부탁드려요 ㅠㅠ

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